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  • Jennifer Nichols

A Journalist’s Spring Break

Photo by Klemen Misic via Dreamstime

Spring Break is upon us, which means college students everywhere are now free from all the papers, assignments, and exams for one whole week. Everyone now has the time to take a breather and push school to the back of their minds. Although spring break is usually a time to relax and do nothing, spring break is the perfect time to get things done and plan ahead for your future. So, instead of spending spring break partying on the beach or laying around the house all day here are a few beneficial alternatives. Job Shadowing

Job shadowing someone for a week is a great way to gain insight in the professional field. Check out the Job Shadow Program for your school. When shadowing, it is easy to learn about the job by walking through the work day. Being exposed to the workplace in the journalism area is a great way to obtain experience. Internship Search

Starting the internship search early would be very smart and beneficial in the long run. Spring break gives you the time to search in depth for internships without the constant hassle from class work and extracurricular activities. Journalist Conventions

Journalism conventions are the perfect chance to network, learn new skills, and visit some interesting new places at the same time. Follow new people that you met at these conferences. Don't be afraid to ask people for their social media accounts so that you can keep up them once spring break is over. It’s okay to follow up with all the new people you made friends with. Here is a list of conferences set for the spring 2017. These are beneficial connections a student could make while on break from school.

What are your plans for spring break? Let us know in the comments below!

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Memphis, TN 38152

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