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  • Jennifer Nichols

Twitter Bids Adieu to 140 Characters

Twitter may soon double its character limit from 140 to 280. It is still in the testing stage and hasn't been released to the public yet, but a few users have been trying it out.

A lot of Twitter users are organizations that are using their tweets to market services, products and brands. Not only, do organizations use Twitter but also, businesses often use Twitter to bring more attention to their company or website. So, what does this new character limit mean for companies that use twitter to market their business?

The Good

1.Twitter is now more international-friendly. Twitter’s 140-character limit was actually very restricting when it came to languages other than English. The additional 140 characters should make it easier for those people to express themselves better. If you own a company that is international, this update should help reach this previously limited audience.

2. Managing an organization/business on twitter can be a little difficult at times with the 140-character limit. With the recent doubling of the character limit, a business will now be able to express themselves more freely. Soon business leaders will be able to promote their brand effortlessly with the new 280 character limit.

… and The Bad

1. No longer will businesses have to express their ideas concisely. People’s attention spans are much shorter nowadays, so if tweets are longer users are less likely to sit a read a large chunk of text in a tweet.

2. More characters mean less tweets. In order for businesses, to keep up their twitter profile, they must tweet regularly. So fewer tweets mean that a business is less likely to gain new customers/followers.

Twitter will start testing out their new character limit here soon, but for now the 280 characters limit will begin in small groups around the world. Twitter accounts will be picked at random to receive the new update, so your account might be one of the lucky ones to experience the new 280 character limit. Do you have any thoughts about the new Twitter character limit? Comment down below and let us know!

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